Business Transformation
The Center for Business Transformation develops new thinking and solutions to enable businesses to play a transformative role in a sustainable, innovative and inclusive economy

Breakthrough Thinkers Magazine
“Resilience across multiple normals”
In this new edition we collected the most favoured breakthrough articles on developmental, tech, industry, and cultural trends from the previous editions and we found the underlying theme of resilience. The aim is to inspire you with these outstanding pieces since resilience is a topic that is going to be ever more important in 2023!
The Global SPI Findings 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility | Executive Program
We set up a brand new executive program for executives that offers insight into the theme of CSR. In addition to economic challenges, organizations are increasingly faced with challenges in the areas of climate change, shortages of materials and energy, water, safety, health, and supply chain responsibility. Therefore we need to get ready for the management of these challenges!
The New CIO/CTO/CDO Program
We set up a brand new executive programme for CIOs, CTOs & CDOs on the crossroads of technology, economics & leadership for for the Erasmus Economics & Business Executive Education department.
What is Transformation
Transformation is the key to develop new ways of working, doing strategy and solve societal issues. The current Covid-19 outbreak imposed companies to rethink their core values and to innovate. Our center is currently involved in developing programs and insights on this areas.
Sustainability & Shared Value
Capitalism is suffering from a crisis of trust. Today’s businesses take the blame for many of society’s economic, social and environmental woes, despite the launch of countless corporate social responsibility initiatives in recent decades. Now more than ever—in the midst of a global economic crisis that has strained the capacity of governments and NGOs to address complex societal challenges—it is time to restore public trust through a redefined vision of capitalism with the full potential to meet social needs. Business is at the centre of the global sustainability transition. No solution to the climate, ecological and inequality crisis is possible without business action. Over the next decade companies will need to align purpose, strategy, and ambition with long-term value creation for society.
New Breakthrough Trends
We cover new strategic trends on management, HR development, new ways of working, sustainable supply-chain, investment measurements and much more!
New Leadership & Innovation
What is the role of an effective leader? How can leaders drive results when they are removed from the key factors that determine company success? What are the new models of leadership in the 21st century? Leadership is changing fast! To educate leaders who make a difference in the world we introduced this exceptional masterclass under our MYBI program together with Prof. Dr Edward Freeman on what it takes to be a CEO in the 21st century. The masterclass covers the skills that innovative leaders must have to face the incredible changes happening in the 21st century.
Digital Transformation
The ongoing digital revolution continues to disrupt every industry. Learn how to capitalize on the opportunities created by new digital capabilities—including big data is crucial. Leaders need to anticipate change and evolve strategies that turn digital disruption into a competitive advantage. This is why we develop tailored executives education about successful digital transformation agendas, customer-centric approaches and data-driven businesses.