Edwards Value Based Health LLC Value-Based Health Care Green Belt

United states of America waving flag 2490788 Vector Art at VecteezyDo you want to become a Value-Based Health Care expert and be recognized for it?

Follow the interactive VBHC Green Belt Track in which you will be trained to become a Certified VBHC Green Belt. 

The Value-Based Health Care Green Belt Track provides you with insight into the essentials of VBHC. It encompasses the philosophy, core concepts, and key tools in the field of VBHC based on theory and practical examples. It enables you to bring your conversations with colleagues and customers to the next level. In four sessions, you will be prepared for the VBHC Green Belt exam of VBHC Center Europe.

The  sessions take place throughout the year and are flexible to follow:

  • You can enter the track whenever it is convenient for you;
  • You can follow the sessions in random order;
  • If you already followed VBHC education, a custom track can be made.


The VBHC Green Belt Track is intended for among others healthcare professionals, medical managers, early careerists, (MHA, MBA, or PhD)-students and clinical managers.


The four sessions are:

  1. VBHC Core Concepts
  2. VBHC Implementation Tools
  3. VBHC Implementation Challenges
  4. Roles of Doctors, Patients and Other Stakeholders

The Course

If you have no previous experience with VBHC education, we recommend you take the entire VBHC Green Belt Track. Have you already followed VBHC education? Then it is possible, in consultation with VBHC Center Europe, to see if your knowledge is sufficient for the exam, or if it is better to follow some of the sessions above.

Are you a Lean Green Belt or Lean Black Belt and do you work in healthcare? Then the VBHC Green Belt is a good fit for you. Interested in a Lean Green Belt or Black Belt? We offer this as well. Would you like to receive more information about this? Send an email to one of our program coordinators info@thedecisioninstitute.org.

The VBHC Green Belt Certification

Your participation in the VBHC Green Belt Track enables you to take the VBHC Certified Green Belt exam. You will receive the certificate when you have answered ≥80% of the multiple-choice questions correctly. More information about the VBHC Certified Green Belt exam is available on the  VBHC Center Europe website. Every two years, recertification takes place, based on the VBHC education you followed.

If you have not followed any VBHC education before, we recommend following the entire VBHC Green Belt Track.

If you have followed VBHC education before, then it is possible, in consultation with VBHC Center Europe, to see if your knowledge is sufficient to take part in the exam, or if you may still need to follow some of the sessions above.

Our Education

  • All sessions will be taught in English
  • Education accredited for medical specialists, hospital pharmacists, and registered nurses
  • BIG Points available for most Masterclasses and the VBHC Green Belt
  • CRKBO Registered Education
  • For questions, suggestions, complements, or complaints you can reach us via info@thedecisioninstitute.org
  • We will always get back to you within 5 working days
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Come with people and challenges, leave with a team and breakthrough results.
Prof. Dr. Fred van Eenennaam

Our Participants

Participant Profile & Organizations

Sector & BIG Certification and VBHC Green Belts

The Decision Institute Way

Real-world ready

We build learning around actual examples and practical tasks to make it all immediately relevant and useful.

Global network of experts

We work with world-leading industry experts to provide the most cutting-edge content.

Learn by doing

Build, create, experiment! We know from more than 20 years of experience that people learn best through active doing and making.

Work in teams

Collaboration is the modern core competence in a world of complexity and constant change.

Trusted by the best


Please see the piecharts on the right hand side. They show a selection of the type of participants we welcome in our masterclasses and VBHC sessions.

The self tutorial directive is approximately 4 hours for each session.

Edwards Value Based Health LLC Value-Based Health Care Green Belt

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VBHC Certification Exam

* Add this only once with the last module you are adding to your cart
** Would you like to purchase ony the exam? Contact us at info@thedecisioninstitute.org

Graduate of an MHA, MBA, or PhD program in the last 36 months that is not employed by a medical or pharmaceutical company

Graduate of an MHA, MBA, or PhD program in the last 36 months that is not employed by a medical or pharmaceutical company